
Are you feeling overwhelmed by financial dilemmas? Don't fret! Watch our enlightening webinars where we break down complex financial concepts into digestible, manageable insights, empowering you to take control of your financial future.

REcorded Webinars

Aaron Buchner, founder of Cactus, looking at his laptop.

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Frequently asked questions

What makes Cactus different from other financial planning services?

At CACTUS we offer a personalized, human-centric approach to financial planning. We believe that financial planning isn’t just about numbers, but about understanding your dreams and aspirations, and creating a financial roadmap to achieve them. We pride ourselves on turning complex financial concepts into simple, actionable steps, helping you gain clarity and control over your financial future.

How does the process of working with CACTUS begin?

Our process begins with an initial consultation where we get to know you, understand your current financial situation, and discuss your financial goals. Post this, we analyze your financial data and craft a comprehensive financial plan designed to guide you towards your goals. Our relationship doesn’t end there; we remain as guides and advisors, constantly updating your plan as necessary and helping you navigate your financial journey.

Why Should I Trust CACTUS with My Financial Planning?

We’re not in the business of high-pressure sales. To put it bluntly, we’re pretty terrible at it, and we’re okay with that. Instead of pushing specific products or services, we believe in empowering you to make fully informed decisions. There’s no catch, no salesy chatter, and certainly no bewildering industry lingo. We’re committed to simplifying complex financial jargon, making sure you grasp exactly what we’re discussing. More importantly, our financial plans are tailored to you, and only you. We don’t base our strategies on your bank balance, but on who you are as an individual - your personality, your emotions, your behavior, and your dreams.